rafting dominical

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Monday, August 2, 2010

rafting dominical

Tubing & floating on the Rio Baru is the perfect experience for those who like to enjoy nature mixed with adventure. The river offers an unparalleled natural beauty that any person of any age could enjoy. This is a nice activity for everyone in the group.
Each person will be in their own individual tube and we also have bigger tubes for those who feel more comfortable doing the descent with the guide. Along the river we will stop for a picnic. The section that we run has small and fun rapids; ideal for all ages.

$35 per person Includes: Professional equipment, expert guides with safety certifications standards and years of experience, snacks, transportation and lots of fun.Costa Rica is one of the best places in the world for rafting. The rainforests form heavenly rivers that are excellent for this sport. We choose rivers without dams for a natural ride. The rivers’ spectacular scenic beauty and tranquility combine with emotions and adrenaline, making it the perfect balance for an experience you won’t forget).
The rivers are good for beginners and experts.Coto Brus River: Class III and IV. Its best class IV rapids are the Kamikaze, Boruca and the Mambo No. 5. The Coto Brus River is known for its beautiful scenery, the greenness that surrounds it and the diversity of wildlife that you can find on it. Since other boaters are rarely found there, it is a virgin river for rafting.During the run you will have a chance to see white face monkeys, squirrel monkeys, river otters, crocodiles, black-crowned Night Heron and a wide variety of birds among other wildlife. It is simply an unforgettable adventure. Along the river we will make a stop where you will have lunch and have a chance to rest so you can be ready for more action.

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